Products shown: 7
BasicGrip Panels
The BasicGrip panel consists of a deep drawn PSfoil (polystyrene), which can be walked on. Theknobs are filled with EPS (expanded polystyrene)and a sandwich construction (hard/soft) serves asheat and sound insulation.The servicable area is 1000 x 1000 mm = 1 m².The knobbed structure allows for exact pipe layingwithin a 5 cm grid and diagonal laying. Apress button connection allows for a secure sealof cement or screed.
Composite Pipes
The white Danfoss FH composite pipe is 100% imperviousto air, temperature resistant and highlyflexible. It consists of an aluminum pipe which iscovered inside and out with a Polyethylene (PE-RT)layer. All layers are permanently bonded with eachother through a layer of adhesive.The octene side chains of the molecular structureof the PE-RT give it a similar effect to that of thecross-linked PE, which provides excellent Long TermHydrostatic Strength at high temperature withoutcrosslinking the material.The Danfoss FH composite pipes are manufacturedin such a way that the aluminum layer preventsthe pipe from going back to its original form. Thismakes the pipes easy to install and the aluminumcore ensures a long lifetime of your floor heatinginstallation due to oxygen tightness.The Danfoss FH composite pipe is used, in accordancewith ISO 21003
Danfoss KnobPanel
The Danfoss KnobPanel is a range of floor heatinginstallation panels for 16 mm pipes.The panel features a foil covering which ensurestrength to the panel as well as prevent moisturefrom penetrating through the panel.Pipes can be installed with a 50 mm interval andhas an insulation thickness from 10 mm up to38 mm which makes the panels suited for usagein both new built houses as well as renovationprojects.