Direct heating and instantaneous DHW
Direct heating stations with instantaneous domestic hot water preparation are used in single-family houses, where pressure and temperature conditions allow direct connections, but the most common use is in the multi-family buildings with decentralized heating and DHW installations.
Direct Heating with mixing and primary connections for DHW cylinder
Direct heating with mixing loop and Instantaneous DHW
Distribution units
Storage/Charging DHW systems
Indirect heating
An indirect substation is used when district heating network conditions, such as pressure and temperature, do not allow direct connection. When a substation is connected indirectly, a heat exchanger provides energy-efficient heat transfer. It also ensures that the primary network supply side and the secondary building installation side remain safely separated.
Indirect heating and instantaneous DHW
Indirect Heating and Primary connections for DHW cylinder
Instantaneous water heaters
Instantaneous water heaters provide hot water instantaneously and only as it is needed. Danfoss offers a comprehensive range of products with different control solutions based on principles of flow, thermostatic, flow and thermostatic or electronic controlling. When you turn on a hot water tap in your home, cold water travels through a pipe into a heat exchanger in the unit. The cold water is heated in the heat exchanger via district heating water or another waterborne heat source. As a result, the water heaters deliver a constant supply of instant hot water.
Heat recovery units
Metering units
Indirect heating and secondary connections for DHW cylinder
Fresh Water modules
Indirect heating and DHW tank
Indirect heating and DHW charging system
Accessories for distribution systems