Valves for Thermostatic Sensors
Products shown: 11
These self-acting controllers are designed to be integrated directly to heat exchanger. They are developed to control direct heating and instantaneous heating of domestic hot water by means of heat exchanger. The family of products offers full flexibility of different requirements regarding control performance. Innovative design enables simple, fast and reliable connection to heat exchanger and most importantly production of compact and user friendly stations for heating and preparation of domestic hot water. The capacity of controllers fully covers the needs of domestic hot water preparation and heating for flats, one family houses or dwellings. Controllers can be mounted to district heating network, different heating systems or centrally located boiler system in a dwelling house (see “Main data” for specifications for the network).
VG and VGF are pressure relieved 2-way normally open (NO) valves, designed to be combined with: -AVT thermostatic actuators; STM safety temperature monitors and STL safety temperature limiters. In combination with AVT thermostatic actuators, valves can be used primarily: for domestic hot water (DHW) production (Hot water tanks, Storage charge systems and Instantaneous domestic hot water production) and in mixing loops and room heating systems as well.
VGS is pressure relieved 2-way normally open (NO) valves for steam, designed to be combined with: AVT Temperature actuators; STM Safety temperature monitors; STL Safety temperature limiters; AMV(E) 20 / AMV(E) 30 electrical actuators and AMV(E) 23 / AMV(E) 33 electrical actuators with spring return function. In combination with AVT temperature actuators and AMV(E) electrical actuators, valves can be used for temperature control with steam or hot water up to 200 °C.
VGU and VGUF are pressure relieved 2-way normally closed (NC) valves, designed to be combined with: AVT Temperature actuators; AMV(E) 20 / AMV(E) 30 electrical actuators; AMV(E) 23 / AMV(E) 33 electrical actuators with spring return function. In combination with AVT temperature actuators and AMV(E) electrical actuators, valves can be used primarily in cooling systems.
The VMT is a 2-way valve used in controlling the flow of hot water within heating applications. The VMT valve can be installed in applications involving heating or chilled coils, hot water storage tanks, plate heat exchangers or floor heating systems. In the control of the VMT valve, a thermostatic operator type RAVK or a 24VAC electric actuator type TWA-V or ABV can be mounted to the valve to regulate the temperature and flow through the valve.
VMV is 3-way seated mixing valve primarily use for flow temperature control. It can be combined with: AMV(E) 10, 13 electrical actuator; AMV 150 + AMV(E) 130/140 electrical actuator; ABV thermohydraulic actuator *(*NC version only for DN15 and DN20); VMV DN 15 and DN 20 can additionally be combined with self-acting thermostatic actuators RAVK.