FP720 & TS710
The FP720 & TS710 provide flexible time settingsto suit your lifestyle whilst ensuring the heating isonly called for during the normal home routine.The timers are used to switch your gas boilereither directly or via motorised zone valves andwhen used together with room thermostats canprovide full heating and comfort control.Both FP720 and TS710 include a large, easy toread backlit display with straightforward intuitivelayout. Current day, time and on/off period isshown in the large top section along with iconsshowing status of the output channels.Easy channel override by pressing and holdingthe relevant labelled button for 3 seconds. Atthe bottom of the display the channel setting isshown where the user can select for Auto, +1hrBoost or Constant On or Off control. This is shownfor the single channel on TS710 or both channelson FP720.FP720 can be setup to control heating anddomestic hot water channels with separateschedules or 2 heating zones.