Pilot control valves
Products shown: 5
The pilot valve maintains the differential pressure over the main controller. By this action also flow through a bypass changes and therefore (-p) at the throttling element. Pressure changes from inlet pipe (+p) and from throttling element (-p) are being transferred through the impulse tubes to the main actuator chambers and act on control diaphragm.
Pilot-controlled flow and differential pressurecontroller is a self-acting differential pressurecontroller primarily for use in district heating,district cooling or in industrial systems as well. Itcan be flow and return mounted in applicationswith and without heat exchanger like largesubstations and distribution stations.The control function of the PCVPQ controlleris defined by the control function of the pilotcontroller. Setting of flow is done on maincontroler , setting of differential pressure is doneon the pilot controller.Throttle valve data can be found on page 8.