Service kits for hydronic floor heating
Products shown: 4
CF2 Room Thermostat
CF-Rx is a range of room thermostats for Danfoss’ CF2+ wireless floor heating control system. CF-Rx thermostats communicate with the CF-MC Master Controller via 2-way wireless transmission. All thermostats includes a Link Test function for easy status indication of the wireless signal and a LED warning for low battery. The room thermostats are available in 4 versions: CF-RS Standard Thermostat, CF-RP Public (tamperproof) Thermostat, CF-RD Display Thermostat, CF-RF Display Thermostat with InfraRed floor sensor
CF2+ Master Controller
CF-MC is the Master Controller in Danfoss’ CF2+ wireless floor heating control system. 2-way wireless communication between CF-MC and other wireless CF2+ system components ensures a high level of transmission security and makes it possible to perform Link test of the signals. Transmission range is up to 30 m in normal buildings. If transmission is reduced or blocked by building or interior elements, a CF-EA external antenna (accessory) can be used to avoid the obstacles. CF-MC is connected directly to 230 V power supply, and it provides all actuator outputs with with 24 V.Larger CF2+ systems can consist of 2 or 3 CF-MC Master Controllers with up to 30 outputs. Systems with more Master Controllers can be accessed by a single wireless CF-RC Remote Controller, which gives access to even more functionality and features
CF2+ Remote controller
CF-RC is an optional wireless Remote Controller for Danfoss’ CF2+ wireless floor heating control system. All CF-RC options and functions are available through display and push buttons. The menu structure is self-guiding to make system access easy. Larger CF2+ systems can consist of 2 or 3 CF-MC Master Controllers with up to 30 outputs. For systems with more Master Controllers, CF-RC Remote Controller gives access to individual remote control and settings of each CF-MC.