Supercal 5
The Supercal 5 is next-generation calculator, succeeding the well-known Infocal series. It is characterised by state-of-theart multi-functional technologies, is based on a user-friendly modular concept and fully meets customer specific needs as simplified system integration, tariff and data logger functions, universal data transfer and connection to system processors. Because the design of the Supercal 5 aim at a high degree of flexibility while keeping future standards in mind, it is suited as a heat or cooling meter, as well as a combined heat/cooling meter. Its volume input can be combined with ultrasonic, mechanical, magnetic-flow or fluidic oscillators flow sensors. The additional pulse inputs allow the connection of hot or cold water, gas, oil, and electricity meters. Supercal 5 also lend itself well to applications in district heating networks and industry installations due to range of options for data communication,flexibility for collecting and recording dynamic plant data.
Features and benefits
- NFC technology for simplified and user- friendly configuration using Superprog Android
- Large illuminated dot-matrix display (128×64) for improved navigation
- 2 LEDs indicate, in real time, the status of the calculator
- Fully customisable tariff and data logger functions
- Display menu position customizable by Superprog Windows Software
- Lifespan of 6+1 years without additional power supply module
- Expanded data storage for enhanced monitoring Features
- Battery or mains powered for increased flexibility
- Exchangeable upper part (MET) while wiring remains in place
- Calculator for heat meters, cooling meters or combined heat/cooling meters