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Spare Parts and Accessories for Valves

With the flare / solder adaptor, type FSA, flareconnections can be easily and reliably changedto solder connections.The adaptor provides a method of joining thatpreserves the advantages of flare connections,i.e. easy and fast component replacement. Atthe same time, the flare / solder adaptor alsoprovides the advantage of soldered joints, i.e. ahigh degree of tightness that prevents leakage.The adaptor contains no soft gaskets or O-ringswhich age and loose their sealing properties.Instead, it contains a copper seal whichprotects the flare collar against wear andfatigue. This copper seal ensures a tightnesssimilar to that of soldered joints.The copper seal must be changed each timethe adaptor is dismantled for servicing flarecomponents.Frost grooves in the nut mean that theadaptors are suitable for wet environment,where the temperature is below the waterfreezing point. The nut cannot be loosened byencapsulated ice formation

Features and benefits

  • The flare / solder adaptor, type FSA, is for usewhere servicing or some other factor makes a“genuine” solder connection impractical.
  • The adaptor can be used with advantage forcomponents with flare connections on: