The Danfoss Eco-damper solution is a 3 component (3 valve) system build on the ICV modular concept. Each component consists of an ICV housing and 1 of 3 modules performing the functions Dampening (ICD), Non-return (ICC) and Control (ICS 1 or 3 pilots) respectively. The Danfoss Eco-damper solution is used in the economizer line of typical screw compressors to dampen the pulsations from the compressor. The Eco damper system is designed for high damping efficiency over a broad band of low frequencies with neglectable pressure drop. It comes in sizes 32 and 50 and is offered from a parts program giving a wide variety of connection types and sizes. The ICD is a unique damping system combining the Helmholtz, Quarter wave and Expansion chamber principles into a broad band damper, able to reduce the Ammonia pulsations by 30% to 80% for critical frequencies in the frequency range of 100 to 500 Hz
Features and benefits
- Designed for Industrial Refrigeration applications for a maximum working pressure of 52 bar / 754 psig
- Applicable to R717 (Ammonia)
- Direct welded connections
- Connection types include butt weld, socket weld and solder connections
- Low temperature steel body
- Low weight and compact design
- The 3 top covers can be turned in any of 4 orientations without affecting the individual functions
- Manual opening of the solenoid valve (i.e.. the line) possible
- Robust PTFE seat secures long lasting solenoid valve function
- Service friendly design