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EKE 100

The flexible pre-programmed EKE 100 superheat controller and stepper valve driver from Danfoss provides ultimate software control, allowing you to tailor the performance of your system to your exact requirements. EKE 100 is ideal for controlling a wide range of air conditioning, commercial and industrial heat pumps, commercial refrigeration and food retail applications, such control helps you to achieve the highest efficiency in the system. EKE 100 is generally used where there is a requirement for accurate control of superheat or as stepper valve driver. The superheat is regulated to the lowest possible value within a short period of time. It regulates the superheat of the evaporator by charging optimally even when there are great variations of load resulting in reduction of energy consumption and operational cost.

Features and benefits

  • 1 valve and 2 valve output variants
  • Supports NTC10K and PT1000 sensor types
  • Superheat control and stepper driver modes
  • Fast installation and setup
  • Lost step prevention
  • Open circuit detection
  • LED indication for valve movement and alarm/warnings
  • 4 pole terminal block connections for valves
  • Digital output for alarm signal
  • Modbus Communication