Strainers without filter
Products shown: 4
FIA 250 / FIA 300
FIA 250-300 (10-12 in.) strainers are a range of angleway strainers, which are carefully designed to give favorable flow conditions. The design makes the strainer easy to install, and ensures quick strainer inspection and cleaning. FIA strainers are used ahead of automatic controls, pumps, compressors etc., for initial plant start-up and where permanent filtration of the refrigerant is required. The strainer reduces the risk of undesirable system breakdowns and reduces wear and tear on plant components. FIA 250-300 (10-12 in.) strainers are equipped with a screen mesh of stainless steel, available in sizes 150 and 250 (microns (1)), (US 100 and 72 mesh ()). (1) Mesh is the number of threads per inch. μ (microns) is the distance between two threads (1μ = 1 /1000 mm)
FIA Housing
FIA strainers are a range of angleway and straightway strainers, which are carefully designed to give favourable flow conditions. The design makes the strainer easy to install, and ensures quick strainer inspection and cleaning. FIA strainers are used ahead of automatic controls, pumps, compressors etc., for initial plant start-up and where permanent filtration of the refrigerant is required. The strainer reduces the risk of undesirable system breakdowns and reduces wear and tear on plant components. FIA strainers are equipped with a screen mesh of stainless steel, available in sizes 100, 150, 250 and 500μ (microns), (US 150, 100, 72, 38*). * Mesh is the number of threads per inch. μ (microns) is the distance between two threads (1μ = 1/1000 mm).
FIA SS strainers are a range of angle-way and straight-way strainers which are carefully designed to give favorable ow conditions. The design makes the strainer easy to install and ensures quick strainer inspection and cleaning. FIA SS strainers are used ahead of automatic controls, pumps, compressors etc., for initial plant start-up and where permanent filtration of the refrigerant is required. The strainer reduces the risk of undesirable system breakdowns and reduces wear and tear on plant components. In certain specific areas such as outdoor applications and corrosive atmospheres, such as coastal installations, there is a need for high surface protection to prevent failure due to corrosion. Today's food safety standards often call for daily treatment with detergents to protect against bacteria growth, again producing a need for high surface protection.
The new 140 bar manual valve range for Industrial CO2 Trans-critical Systems is based on the successful modular Standard SVL platform. The same flexibility, simplicity and efficiency are features offered in this new series. The valves are available as parts program. • From DN 50 (2") to 150 (6") • In angle or straightway • With DIN or ANSI butt-weld connections and DIN or ASME hard soldering (brazing) connections up to 64 mm or 2 1⁄8”