BOCK Compressors for Truck and Trailer Refrigeration
Products shown: 8
BOCK HR StarCO2mpressor
The innovative "star" engine design of the BOCK® StarCO2mpressor opens up new possibilities in electric bus and rail air conditioning: space-saving roof installation thanks to the industry's lowest overall height and lightest weight. The StarCO2mpressor range features features 2 model sizes in 4 & 6 cylinder design with a displacement of 7.3 m³/h and 10.9 m³ (50Hz) - Cooling capacity from 5 to 43 kW/heating capacity from 3 to 35 kW.
FK BOCK compressors
The BOCK® FK series are the result of decades of experience and innovation. Designed for use in bus and rail air conditioning as well as transport refrigeration and market leader in the field of vehicle compressors worldwide. The range features: 3 model sizes in 2-, 4- and 6-cylinder version with 12 capacity stages from 233 to 980 cm³ (1450 rpm).
HG Aluminum BOCK compressors
Danfoss BOCK®'s HG-series aluminum compressors are ideal for mobile refrigeration. They're 40% lighter, low-profile for vehicle roofs, and feature a robust K-design valve plate for bus air conditioning and electric applications. They handle large inclination angles of the vehicle with special oil management, and the K valve plate has a proven track record in vehicle applications.
HG CO2 T BOCK compressors
The HG CO2 T transcritical BOCK compressors are gas-cooled, semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors that are capable of operating at pressures up to 130 bar. They are specifically designed for transcritical CO2 systems, with standstill pressures of 100 bar on the low-pressure side and 150 bar on the high-pressure side. These compressors are known for their highest compressor and system efficiency, which is achieved through a design that is specifically tailored for CO2 applications.
HG single stage BOCK compressors
HG single-stage compressors model series consists of state-of-the-art suction gas-cooled compressor technology.Outstanding running comfort, efficiency and reliability on the highest level of quality are advantage of this solution. This compressors have oil pump lubrication, electronic motor protection and are suitable for conventional or chlorine-free HFC refrigerants!
HG-2-pole aluminum BOCK compressors
HG-2-pole aluminum BOCK compressors are based on the HG standard compressors with their outstanding advantages and features, versions with 2-pole drive motor are available with up to 70% increased cooling capacity with the same external dimensions. This is made possible by doubling the speed at the same mains frequency. Together with the robust and reliable BOCK® K valve plate, this results in the optimal solution for bus air conditioning and many other mobile applications.
HG-2-pole BOCK compressors
With the HG model series in 2-pole design, we offer you performance-enhanced suction gas-cooled compressor technology according to the latest state of the art for mobile use. Special feature is oil pump lubrication as standard. This compressors is particularly powerful due to 2-pole drive motor (2,900 1/min - 50 Hz). Available with reduced height terminal box